Movember 2010… Day 26 & Southend

Southend-on-Sea, UK     26 November, 2010     12.20pm GMT

Donations for Movember gladly accepted at

Woke up this morning to -2 degrees centigrade temperature… however over the course of the day it warmed up to a respectable 2 degrees centigrade. 😉 The best thing though is that the skies have been clear. The clear blue sky is visible and that big yellow thing in the sky is shining brightly. Bright enough to keep one’s spirits lifted.

What is it about the sunshine that makes people feel chirpier? It certainly does the trick for me… so much so that I had forgotten the days are short and it will be getting dark soon.

It is just over a week since I was close to the water in Carcavelos, and I was missing it. So I decided to head off to Southend to be close to the water for a short while and it is where this blog is being written.

Sitting on the wall at the beach all wrapped up to keep out the cold elements, the tide is in, the sun is shining brightly and it reflects across the water in such a way that everything around it is silhouetted… I forget about the traffic noise behind me… I live in the moment… a silence with just the sound of the waves… This is pure beauty.

It was a double-shot of just what I needed… to tackle the longing for the sea… to give me some serenity… it is not for me to question why I feel such affinity with the water… I just accept it.

Today’s pictorial update… looks like moustache tidy up day tomorrow… and hmm.. my chin ticker resembles that of a billy goat. 😉

Only four more days remaining in the month of Movember… so please put your hands in your pockets and donate whatever you can to this cause. Thanks to those of you who are already supporting me in this. As of this morning, £544 has been raised via my Mo Space 🙂 So now the goalposts have moved a bit.. I would like to raise my target to £1000. All help with this will be appreciated.

I hope more of you can support my ‘Mo’ growth by donating (even if it is just £1 / $1 / Eur 1) to the Prostate Cancer charity via my Mo Space at