Home, UK Wednesday, 20 February, 2013 1am GMT
Right folks. Time for me to breath some new life into this blog. The feeling of wanting to write again has returned after a hiatus of exactly 65 weeks. Well, I have tried to write within those 65 weeks but never got to finish any of the articles. They are still sitting there as drafts.
I don’t know about anyone else, however for me, writing has to flow… my fingers need to do the talking. A direct connection from my brain through my fingers and on to the keyboard. Tap tap tap, tappety tap. If I get a flash of inspiration, I have to write it immediately. I write in the moment. Once the moment has passed, that’s it. The flow has gone…. finished… poof.. in a puff of smoke.
It is for exactly this reason that I am writing at this hour.
What would my readership like to see me write about? I do have some ideas of some articles for the coming days and as I get back in to the flow, I will definitely get more ideas. However if there is anything in particular you would like me to write abut, I will see what I can do.. so please do let me know.
For now I bid y’all a good night.
Love, as always….