Movember 2010… Recap

Colchester, UK     1 December, 2010     11am GMT

Donations for Movember gladly accepted at

The news is scary. We hit extreme weather like the current non-stop snow, and the reports warn you from going about your life, chaos ensues. I needed to be in Colchester for some business this morning and left really early. The roads were clear and non-icy.. well the major roads… and I got to my destination with lots of waiting time. So here I am blogging via the iPhone!

So… Movember 2010… thank you to all of you who supported the cause either via me or via another Mo brother – I gather £7 million has been raised collectively so far in the UK alone for Prostate Cancer research. Well done everyone! My own Mo brought in £685 by last night and this morning a contact of mine confirmed he had donated £150 over the phone … bringing the total raised by my Mo to £835 🙂 [Update as of 3 December, 2010: the Total raised went up to £875)

I am honoured by this and touched by the generosity everyone has shown. Thank you, thank you, thank you…

I thought it would be nice to see a pictorial daily update in one place.. So below are the photos in chronological order from Day 2 to Day 30 (Day 1 was clean shaven so not included).

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