Movember 2010… Day 19

Rome, Italy     19 November, 2010     10.45pm CET

“You remind me of Johnny Depp”, said Axel earlier today. This was in response to my moustache and chin tickler. 🙂

Last nights dinner was excellent and the fireworks were spectacular. The RIPE meeting concluded today and I accompanied Niall on a walk around the city. The weather was pleasant, the scenery inspiring, and the conversations we had were educational. It was nice to catch up with him outside of work.

Today’s pic was taken earlier this evening… you will note that my chin tickler has reduced in width:

I would like your help in raising more funds. So far £190 has been raised via my Mo Space.

Thanks to those of you who are supporting me in this. I hope more of you can support my ‘Mo’ growth by donating (even if it is just £1 / $1 / Eur 1) to the Prostate Cancer charity via my Mo Space at