Movember 2010… Day 10 & Travel & Moving on with Cyberstrider

Home, UK     10 November, 2010     10.50am GMT

Time for me to start packing and preparing for my upcoming travels. I’ll be visiting three different countries in a 10 day period and each one of them with different climates! Oh boy… I will need to put some real thought into my packing list.

Some of you will be aware of my obsessiveness with traveling light. I tend to only carry hand luggage even when I go away for a week – just one bag which includes all my clothes, toiletries and electronics. Everything packed into 7-10Kg.

I doubt I can do that this trip though. I’ll have to pack warm clothes for freezing temperatures (yup, much colder than the UK even with today’s 3 degrees Celcius), and I’ll have to pack clothes for temperatures around the mid-20s (Celcius), and also for the high teens to the low 20s. I can mainly cope with this by employing ‘layering’, however my first destination requires ‘Business Casual’ and thus appropriate footwear too… and shoes contribute a lot toward the weight of luggage.

Ah well, if it has to be done, it has to be done.

On another note, my business load has been lightened a bit as of yesterday. A feeling of sweet melancholy remains. My first ever company – Cyberstrider Limited – closed. For those that do not know, Cyberstrider started life as my sole trade business back in 1993, distributing shareware on the net and was sorta my nom de plume when I freelanced as a journalist for some computer magazines from 1994. The business continued and moved into Internet Services and Professional Services consultancy toward the end of that decade, at which point it became a Limited company. It was a very successful company, and I have many fond memories of running it.

Business being what it is, requires constant change and evolution, and it was time to close the company. That said, Cyberstrider as a brand name continues to flourish, still doing Hosting services, but also specialising in Mac mini colocation – and I am involved with that. 🙂

And moving onto the Movember topic… the latest pic:

I have now raised £165 in sponsorship. Thanks to those of you who are supporting me in this. I hope more of you can support my ‘Mo’ growth by donating (even if it is just £1 / $1 / Eur 1) to the Prostate Cancer charity via my Mo Space at